Versión en Español

Project Objetives

ARPI will help in the creation and execution of image processing, analysis and recognition algorithms.

What’s the intent of ARPI?

ARPI will help on the development of projects which contain a GUI along with an executable code. The GUI will be designed using components, therefore allowing the adding, removing and repositioning of them by the developer of the algorithm. The source code of the algorithms will be coded either in ANSI-C or Object Pascal, compatibles with any of the following compilers: Boland Delphi, Dev C, Microsoft Visual C, Borland C Builder, FreePascal y LCC Win.

While executing, it will have to open, show and execute algorithms interactively. Furthermore, it will have to be able to open and save images and matrixes, allowing to undo or redo changes over them, and that any results of the processing be exported to standard formats: CVS for matrixes, GIF, JPG, TIFF, PNG and BMP for images.

Another key feature of ARPI will be the possibility of managing execution scripts, using reference lists for the variables so that it can work dynamically. The sequential execution of the scripts will also include the possibility of using an output as input of any step which precedes the one already executed. The system will be able to execute that script either locally, remotely or both. To execute remotely, ARPI should be able to send the algorithm as well as the parameters to a remote computer, which will be called a satellite.

Basic Image Procesing Libraries

To fulfill a complete system, several algorithms will be included (source code and binaries) ready to be used in ARPI's enviroment:

Operaciones aritméticas

Operaciones lógicas


Transformaciones puntuales

Transformaciones espaciales

Cambio de escala


Filtros Lineales


Morfología matemática básica

Detección de bordes

Reducción de Ruido


Filtros morfológicos


Reconocimiento de Patrones

Clasificación supervisada

Clasificación no-supervisada

¿Cuáles son las cosas que ARPI hace y que podrían ampliarse para siguientes versiones?

  • K-medias
  • Maxim